Saturday, June 25, 2011

Lean With Linder

I've known Coby Linder for a few years and I've been lucky enough to get to know him a little bit better over the past couple. I've grown to admire and respect him greatly. Not only is he the drummer of one of my favorite bands (Say Anything), but he was the person who initially sparked my interest in p90x and Shakeology which led me to joining the Beachbody family. I turn to him for advice, motivation and a dose of reality from time to time. He is a great resource and I'm lucky to call him a friend.

Coby has made an amazing transformation, both physically and otherwise, using Beachbody programs like p90x and Insanity, drinking Shakeology, and focusing on his diet and exercise. He shares his knowledge with others on his blog Lean With Linder.. (Check it out, great stuff)

Anyway.. while hanging out with Coby at Beachbody Coach Summit last week and discussing some of my health goals he suggested that, in addition to restarting Insanity, I take a closer look at my diet.

First of all, he suggested that I cut out alcohol. While I don't consume alcohol as regularly as people might assume, I do consume a decent amount when there's an event or reason to do so. I realize that this excessive consumption, even when it's sporadic, is not aligned with my health goals. So, I have decided.. that during the duration of my 60 day Insanity program I will stay away from the booze. Much to Coby's chagrin I WILL be giving myself ONE cheat day (Saturday, July 16th) but if I can go the rest of the two months without it, that'd make leaps and bounds of progress. He also made suggestions for portions, timing of meals and suggested meals that are nutritious and delicious. He explained to me the best time of day to get carbs, protein, and fats and in what form.

After taking a set of humbling before photos, I began Insanity yesterday and coupled it with what I'm calling my Lean With Linder lifestyle. (I don't like to think of it as a diet, because that seems fleeting and restrictive). To begin the 60 days, I'm going to stick pretty religiously to the meals that I've seen Coby eat. I figure I should be super structured while I go through this entry phase, then branch out to make my own responsible food choices.

In the words of Coby: "The first week is always the hardest. Once you’re past that barrier you are unstoppable. You won’t regret making the changes in your life. Practice and repeat and they become your life. Now go eat some spinach :)"

Here's yesterday's meal breakdown

So Coby, thanks for putting time and energy into me. I appreciate and value you very much.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Stronger in the Broken Places

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
— Marilyn Monroe

Tonight I received an out-of-the-blue text that said: "your positive energy overflows. jus sayin" This made me smile, not only because it's an insanely flattering compliment but because it reconfirmed the progress I've made in the past month...

Recently I've been reminded that I have no control over what anyone else says or does, but I do have the ultimate control over my actions and reactions in every situation I find myself in. I have always loved the cliche that "you're always stronger in the broken places". I believe that everyone (including myself) goes through rough patches; and it's those trying times that give you the opportunity to either grow or risk getting caught on a slippery slope of self-pity.

It's only by realizing this potential that I have finally come to appreciate each time that I've been broken down, because it has given me this amazing opportunity to grow, mature, and learn about myself. I keep managing to come out a little bit stronger, and for that I am thankful. It goes beyond relationships; however those tend to be the ones that slap you the hardest in the process of presenting an important lesson. It's easier said than done to believe that "everything happens for a reason", but I believe that it must. It's like Marilyn said: sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together

Monday, June 13, 2011

It's Called a Break-up because It's Broken

So, this book was recommended to me by a superfox in my workout group at my gym who unknowingly opened up can of worms one day when she asked me how G was.. Her timing was less than ideal (no fault of her own) and I borderline (ok, not even borderline) lost it before our workout. She messaged me later in the day with the kindest words and a recommendation to read a book called "It's Called a Break-up because it's Broken". I'd heard of it before, but never thought I was the kind of person who needed to read a "self-help" book. Clearly what I'd been doing wasn't working so I bought it on Amazon and within a week of recieving it, I'd finished the book and loved it! I wouldn't say that it changed my entire outlook on life, but it absolutely was a supplementary push that I needed to remind myself of some very obvious things. I definitely took from it a dose of reality as well as some sage advice and tips of how to turn a breakup into a breakover. Reminding myself of my worth and ambition, as well as finding a healthy outlet for all of this newfound time (100 Workouts of Summer) coupled with reading this book have given me a fresh outlook; I feel excitement for future and what it may hold. Someone once told me "Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." Boom.

 Here's a collection of some of my favorite quotes from the book:

The person you loved took a good long look at the awesomeness that is you, evaluated you relationship together, and said "No, thanks. I'll try my luck elsewhere"

He is the past.  You are the future.

His regrets or lack thereof are exactly that - his... and not even the best little black cocktail dress can change that. (I beg to differ, the little black cocktail dress helps :))

You can love your friends.. you can love your family.. you can even love every stray dog or stray drummer that crosses our path. HOWEVER, youhave to learn how to love yourself, like yourself, and put yourself first before you will ever find the healthy, loving and lasting relationship that you've been looking for.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

6 down, 94 to go...

Thanks to the inspiration of Tim Timon, I've decided to make the most of my summer by challenging myself to do "100 Workouts of Summer". I envision it including a variety of physical activities from hikes to bike rides, cardio at the gym, circuits, spin, kickboxing, yoga, crossfit WODS, Beachbody DVDs, workouts at Summit, swimming, strength training and any other opportunity that presents itself.

Here are what I think will be the five keys to success:
Friends: Like any challenge, enlisting the help of friends can be a make or break. I am lucky enough to have a network of friends who not only support my fitness goals, but inspire me with their fitness journeys. Working out with a friend is usually much more entertaining and pleasant (ex. club circuit dance parties)
Variety: Being open to finding exercise opportunities wherever they might present themselves.
Time Management: It is summer vacation, so there's always the temptation to sleep in, veg out, veer too far off of a schedule, or end up watching a "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding" marathon (however, if you haven't seen that show, it's a definite must). I think in order to reach this goal it will be vital to wake up at a reasonable hour and start each day with a workout so I can fit in double days.
Vacation: With at least four vacations forthcoming, this might be my biggest roadblock to keeping my fitness plan on track. In order to fit in 100 workouts, it will be important for me to find ways to be active while traveling. Most vacations present the opportunity for lots of walking, hiking or outdoor activites. Beachbody DVDs (p90x, RevAbs, and Asylum) are also incredibly mobile, most require little more than a couple resistance bands that are easy to pack.
Nutrition: Exercise is not enough; in order to fuel my body for workouts and see the results that I'm putting effort into, it is essential to follow a balanced diet. The easiest ways to stay on track is to eat at regular intervals throughout the day and to control my portions, making smart choices with the foods I consume.

Here's my progress (thus far):

1. (6/6) Walk with Katy Cas around Lake Murray
2. (6/7) Bike Ride to Santana Row for lunch with Steph
3. (6/7) Club One - Precor/Spin Bike/Abs
4. (6/8) Club One - Precor/Spin Bike/Abs
5. (6/8) Arm Circuits with Tim, Katy, and Launie
6. (6/9) Club One - Precor, Back Extension, Push Ups, Assisted (10) pull ups, Shoulder Press (Bar+20)

Are you up for the "100 Workouts of Summer" challenge?