Today is Mother's Day. One day, of the 365 in a year, that we are encouraged to appreciate, value, and shower our mothers with love. While I'm of the mindset that we should be doing this about 364 more days than prompted, I see nothing wrong with having a special day JUST for them. I was lucky enough to spend the weekend with mom, and I hope you did something special for the mother figure in your life :)
I want to take a moment to recognize and appreciate some of the fantastic mothers in my life*
Quinn Marckesano
I love Quinn for a million reasons and the way that she has risen to the challenges of motherhood are simply one in a long list. I love to see the joy that she shares with her children, and the way she includes them in her daily life. I wish I were closer to her (geographically) so that I could watch her in action, but luckily social media has allowed me to be a part of their lives. |
Jennifer Kontich
Jennifer is one of those people who was born to be a mother. Not only did she handle pregnancy like a champ, but she conquered labor (with the help of her amazingly supportive husband) and is now is getting into the swing of motherhood time management. Little Danika is an absolute peach. |
Jessica Dehl
I never knew Jessica as a mom, not until we recently spent a few days with her adorable family in Oregon. She is an absolutely fabulous mother, who does what I hope to someday do - raises her kids in her own likeness. I mean, how can you compete with a toddler who comes up to Champ and I while we're doing an Insanity workout and offers us a beer? All joking aside, she's got the "mom" thing down, and I'm so glad to have reconnected. |
Kristen Varga
I've never seen someone so cut out to be a mom. Not only was she doing yoga and organizing gatherings for her husband's birthday a couple days before delivery, but she's half of a dynamic duo who is raising a girl who is flying through "firsts" and looking good in the process. |
Linda Gentry
I love that I've had a few moms in my class that I've been able to form really special bonds with. Linda has not only been a mother figure to me, but I watch the amazing way that she supports her own daughters and many other children in the neighborhood. Linda is a special lady and I am lucky to have her in my life. |
Courtney Eckard
I first met Courtney when her oldest son was in my class. I was and and still am constantly in owe of the ease with which she parents four lil ones. They are some of the sweetest, well-mannered, and most fun children I know. They are a rad family and I have no doubt that someday, when I am a mother myself, I will look to her for advice and organizational tips. She rocks! |
Danielle Moore
While I haven't had the pleasure of meeting lil Austin, I know that Danielle will be an absolutely fantastic mother to this adorable lil boy. Plus if it's true that it "takes a village", you've got one hell of a community behind you. Happy 1st Mother's Day! |
Aida Sued-Dominguez
Aida's daughter is currently in my Kindergarten class. While I would never admit to having favorites, Ana is arguably one of the kindest, most considerate, intelligent, and thoughtful young girls that I've had the pleasure of teaching. She is a shining reflection of the mother who has molded her to be such a wonderful little lady. I am constantly impressed by the thoughtful and creative things that Aida does for me and her children.
Sue Chiampas
I've been lucky enough to have this lovely lady in my life for the past year. She's the mother to my other half and has accepted and embraced me as part an incoming part of the family. Her work ethic, supportive demeanor, and enthusiasm are qualities that I see in her children. I admire all the hard work she's put in to raise them, and know that she is proud of the young adults that they're growing into. |
Rose Wagenaar
This list wouldn't be complete without the woman who I place above all others. She is the absolute epitome of what I believe a mother to be. She is caring, compassionate, loving, and supportive. I could not ask for a better friend, mentor, or role model. |
* I'm sure I left some out, my apologies. I'd blame it on "mommy brain" but that's YOUR excuse, not mine.
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