My other resolutions this year include:
1. Quality over Quantity, Enjoying the Finer ThingsThis is going to be an overarching theme: from being selective with who I spend time with to shifting my consumerism to better quality goods. It might mean splurging for an expensive but memorable dinner once a month, rather than eating out every weekend. This means less shopping at Forever 21 and more stays at boutique hotels. Don't get me wrong, #comeuponomics is still in full effect, but I'm finally getting to the point where I'd rather spend $100 on a dress that I'll look and feel good in, that will hold up for years rather than 5 dresses that will probably fall apart or go out of style within a couple months. #iamNOTinfactFOREVER21
2. Being present in the moment
In tasks, interactions, and events.. I am guilty of "multitasking" my way to being so distracted that I don't fully enjoy many moments that I'm in. I'm so busy thinking about other things I could, should or wish I was doing that I don't embrace those experiences that I'm having - both pleasant and unpleasant. An article posted yesterday on Huffington Post titled "So Long FOMO - Why 2014 Will Be the Year of JOMO (Joy of Missing Out)" [great read] #mindfulliving
3. Making more phone calls
If you know me, you know that I've had a long-standing phobia of phones. It's irrational really, but I'll do anything short of going to the place where the person is to avoid picking up the phone. Both for personal and business reasons, I know that things are often more effective if one simply picks up the phone - so I'm going to be making an effort. Yesterday I called both the dentist and tire store (and then Champ to brag about how much I'd used the phone). Baby steps. #ringring
4. Striving to be the best version of MYSELF
Petty comparison is so 2013. While it's good to use motivation of others, I'm committed to focusing more this year on improving myself and making less notice of how it "stacks up". No more fat shaming, put downs, shit talk or negativity will be condoned in my camp - so take it elsewhere. This year I will celebrate non-scale victories. This year I will set goals, reach goals and aim even higher. This is my year, but that doesn't mean it can't be yours too. #nonscalevictories
5. Growing my Beachbody Business
Blog post with reflections on 2013 and goals for 2014 coming later this week...
Love your resolutions! I think you go this! I also think I might need to make some of these goals my own. . .