Thursday, July 7, 2011

Search for a "soulmate"...

Beachbody's Chalene Johnson believes that one of the steps to guaranteed weight loss is finding a "soulmate workout" (something you look forward to and is almost a treat for you to do).. She says it's important to remember that the first workout program that you try might not be your "soulmate" and that just like dating, you can't just date one person and when it doesn't work out give up on love. Continue trying other workouts, and cross training with a variety of different activities until you find your "soulmate".

After two weeks of 'courtship' with Shaun T, I can say with almost absolute certainty that Insanity is NOT my soulmate workout. It was at this point last time I tried Insanity (about a year ago) that I threw in the towel and "gave up on" the program. I know that I struggle to push play because Insanity challenges me and forces me into plenty of uncomfortable moments. But isn't it true that life begins outside of our comfort zone? With that mindset, I have decided to stick with it and am determined to complete all 60 days! Today marked my two-week Fit Test, where I measure my progress. I decided not to look at my baselines before doing it so that I was truly getting an accurate measure of my new fitness level, not just trying to pound out a few extra reps to beat my previous results. I did the Fit Test and had to use ridiculous amounts of self control to avoid opening my iPhone note that contained my Initial Fit Test results. It was worth the wait.. after 14 days of Insanity (plus my leanwithlinder nutrition plan) here are my results:

Initial Result (Two Week Fit Test)
Switch Kicks: 82 (94)
Power Jacks: 42 (50)
Power Kicks: 88 (94)
Power Jumps: 25 (32)
Globe Jumps: 12 (13)
Suicide Jumps: 15 (20)
Push-up Jacks 16 (24)
Low Plank: 45 (52)

While comparing progress, I felt an insane amount of pride. I guess that even though Insanity might not be my "soulmate" it'll most likely benefit me more than my last two month relationship ;)

If you'd like to know more about Insanity or other great Beachbody workout programs I'd love to chat.. email me at or visit

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