Thursday, June 9, 2011

6 down, 94 to go...

Thanks to the inspiration of Tim Timon, I've decided to make the most of my summer by challenging myself to do "100 Workouts of Summer". I envision it including a variety of physical activities from hikes to bike rides, cardio at the gym, circuits, spin, kickboxing, yoga, crossfit WODS, Beachbody DVDs, workouts at Summit, swimming, strength training and any other opportunity that presents itself.

Here are what I think will be the five keys to success:
Friends: Like any challenge, enlisting the help of friends can be a make or break. I am lucky enough to have a network of friends who not only support my fitness goals, but inspire me with their fitness journeys. Working out with a friend is usually much more entertaining and pleasant (ex. club circuit dance parties)
Variety: Being open to finding exercise opportunities wherever they might present themselves.
Time Management: It is summer vacation, so there's always the temptation to sleep in, veg out, veer too far off of a schedule, or end up watching a "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding" marathon (however, if you haven't seen that show, it's a definite must). I think in order to reach this goal it will be vital to wake up at a reasonable hour and start each day with a workout so I can fit in double days.
Vacation: With at least four vacations forthcoming, this might be my biggest roadblock to keeping my fitness plan on track. In order to fit in 100 workouts, it will be important for me to find ways to be active while traveling. Most vacations present the opportunity for lots of walking, hiking or outdoor activites. Beachbody DVDs (p90x, RevAbs, and Asylum) are also incredibly mobile, most require little more than a couple resistance bands that are easy to pack.
Nutrition: Exercise is not enough; in order to fuel my body for workouts and see the results that I'm putting effort into, it is essential to follow a balanced diet. The easiest ways to stay on track is to eat at regular intervals throughout the day and to control my portions, making smart choices with the foods I consume.

Here's my progress (thus far):

1. (6/6) Walk with Katy Cas around Lake Murray
2. (6/7) Bike Ride to Santana Row for lunch with Steph
3. (6/7) Club One - Precor/Spin Bike/Abs
4. (6/8) Club One - Precor/Spin Bike/Abs
5. (6/8) Arm Circuits with Tim, Katy, and Launie
6. (6/9) Club One - Precor, Back Extension, Push Ups, Assisted (10) pull ups, Shoulder Press (Bar+20)

Are you up for the "100 Workouts of Summer" challenge?

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