Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Firefly Project: Linda Gentry

I met Linda a few years ago, when her youngest daughter was in my Kindergarten class. Linda took “room mom” to a new level - she was helpful, supportive, and spoiled me to no end. Not only did she bring me treats from tea to pizzas, shoes to gift cards but she gave me the gift of her unwaveringly honest support in both my professional AND personal life. She brought me flowers when I got dumped, talked me through stressful life decisions and has been the voice of reason more times than I care to admit. Her contributions to the world reach far beyond the capacity I have had the pleasure of getting to know her. She is a fantastically involved parent who will do anything to help her children succeed, and a loyal wife who found the perfect man to share a life and build a family with. I look up to Linda in so many ways. Linda’s sense of humor, kind heart and unflinching honesty are qualities that I admire deeply in her. For the contributions she has made in my life and so many others, I am eternally grateful. 

Linda, you absolutely make the world a brighter place.

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